"Just a quick thank you for speaking to our group this week, thought provoking for everyone, and I hope the girls will keep hold of those ideas well into adulthood! We’d love to have you back."
I enjoy the challenge of creating something new for each event. With experience in speaking to all ages, schools, community groups, businesses and universities, I am always interested in finding something special that meets the needs of that specific organisation.
I've presented at a very diverse range of venues and events, including Goldsmiths University of London, Limmud, the Be Conference, the LSJS Susi Bradfield Course, Bedales School and PaJeS training days. I am on the OCR recommended speakers list and love visiting communities around the country as a guest speaker. Through the Kolot programme I also regularly speak to groups of mothers and daughters and I have just spoken at the launch of a community event as part of the Head On! Mental Health Awareness Project

"Rachel is a fine performer, knowledgeable, worldly, witty, confident - with a wide range of stories.
She kept a large room of varying ages fully engaged and entertained."
Here are some examples of the topics I've been invited to explore:
Goldsmiths University Session for Student teachers "Engaging young people"
INSET day for qualified teachers "Engaging Young People Without Technology"
PaJeS RE teachers conference "Using Storytelling To Deliver A Theme"
Language teachers conference "Using Storytelling To Teach Languages"
(delivered together with Ariella Eshed of Tik-Sho-Ret)
Primary teachers conference "A Drama Toolkit for the Classroom"
BE Conference Empowering Girls aged 11-13 "How To Be Your Own Best Friend"
United Synagogue Cheder Teachers Conference "Creative Engagement"
Rabbincal Conference "Family Relationships When You Belong To Your Community" "Relating To Parents And Children In Your Community"
(delivered together with Naomi Richards, the Kids Coach)
LSJS Susi Bradfield Course "Presentation Techniques for Community Leaders"
In 2015 I was invited to the Limmud Conference to present extracts from "Our Still Waters", my next full length play, and to talk about "The Survey That Went Viral". I created an anonymous questionnaire as part of the research for the play which had hundreds of responses from all over the world, and this developed into an interesting session in its own right. Over the past few years I've also delivered other sessions at Limmud, including a "Scene and Story Surgery" workshopping new writing, "TMI - Is a little knowledge a dangerous thing?", a Q & A with performer Candy Gigi and a work in progress version of my solo show "It's No Job For A Nice Jewish Girl".
As you saw everyone was engaged - it’s always the sign of a good session when we need
to ask people to leave at the end!
Are you struggling to write...
Bride, Groom or Best Person's speech?
That one speech you've never wanted to give?
Work presentations and Award Acceptance speeches?
Bar / Bat Mitzvah Dvar Torah, parent's or best friend's speech?
I can help you to write something that is in your own voice and says what you want to say, in the best way possible. Rather than write it for you, we will work on it together, providing you with the skills to write your own speeches confidently in the future. Whether you want to make your audience laugh or cry, you will definitely keep them interested!
Thank you so much for helping me with my speech, I now feel thoroughly prepared and confident. Ellie
Ariella’s Dvar Torah is complete and rehearsed. We’re very happy with it and so is the Rabbi – he said it was beautiful. Thank you so much for being a brilliant Batmitzvah teacher and a real source of inspiration for Ariella – she thoroughly enjoyed her time with you and learned a lot.
My speech went brilliantly and everyone did laugh (thank G-d!) You were FANTASTIC and thank you once again for all your advice and help which was invaluable.
Thank you ever so much once again for all of your help.