A post for Mental Health Awareness Week
It's #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek so - with his permission - I'm sharing this picture of me aged 21 with my then 1 month old son. I'd had a...
I give this Fringe 5 Stars *****
Here's how my fringe looked: It's No Job For A Nice Jewish Girl performed 21 times and sold out 17 of them :o Hosted the Funny Women...
Thank You and Goodbye.
On Monday night I celebrated surviving the fire* with a "Se'udat Hoda'ah", a Jewish custom that I had never heard of until I made...
Update 2/12: Reflecting on the past week...
I'm in the Jewish Chronicle for the second time in almost as many weeks, but never would have imagined it was because of the horrifying...

Going back
The top photo is me with Suha, the brilliant and dedicated English teacher at Comprehensive School 1 in Shefar'amr, where I ran workshops...
Update 28/11
Feeling a bit less shaky and emotional. Finding all kinds of bruises and adding to them with a big fall. Some great news now... I have...
Update 27/11
I have been totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of warmth and support from the people who read and shared my post regarding the fires....
TW - May cause distress:
I am now safely back in Jerusalem with my parents after a terrifying experience. Yesterday I travelled with some family members from the...
Olympic Fencing
Yesterday I directed a piece in which the cast and team included 2 performers with dyslexia, 3 actresses who have Downs Syndrome, an...
Post 30: “The never ending story”
So here is my final post of the challenge. It's been in turn a liberating and frustrating experience. I've been shocked and humbled by...